
Friday, January 23, 2015

A Story Concerning Life

There were four of them, all clustered together on the full sized bed. The girls were talking about this and that. It wasn't important, but they were together-that was important.

None of them knew quite then, but some of them had a feeling - a feeling that this perfection couldn't last.

Already their lives were being ripped apart.

There was a time that all four girls attended the same church. They saw each other so very often.

But that time was no more.

Now they had to content themselves with the fact that they lived so near to one another.

But that time was drawing to a close as well.

Soon, one of them would move to a far away home.

When it happened, They all promised to call, to write.

They each kept a notebook with her, to record letters and notes. They sent that book back and forth through the mail.

They called on weekends.

She promised she would be back for graduation in May.

But the girls couldn't help but wonder: What happens after May? Will we ever see her again? What happens when we fill up our notebooks? Should we purchase a new one to write in? What happens when we can no longer find time to call on the weekends? Are we to just let each other go? How can we let go when she means so much? How can we let go of the ones with whom we've been through so much? How can we move on to new churches and new homes? We have taught each other so much. How can we let our teachers go and share our remade selves with new people, new friends? Friends who won't know what we've undergone or know where we've been; friends who won't know the lessons we've learned - we will be apprehensive of letting them try to teach us because we don't know where they've been or how trustworthy they are.

We want our four girls sitting back on the full sized bed again, together for always. Being there for each other, no matter the distance, no matter the cost. We don't want to move to new places - untrustworthy places. We don't want to move on to new friends - untrustworthy friends. We don't want to open up to anyone else, because we've been left before. And we have been the ones leaving. We know how unsteady relationships are, and we don't want to be vulnerable again. We've taken the risk before, and we've been out on that limb. Look where we are now...Do we really have to start all over again?

God says, yes, you do. Wasn't it worth it? Wasn't taking a chance with people worth the relationship? Yes, you stepped out on a limb. Yes, you made yourself vulnerable, but look how good it all was. Look how much you learned. Look at what a beautiful person you've become through those friendships. I gave that to you. And now I've taken it away, just because I wanted to give it to you again. I want to teach you how good a friend I can be. I want to show you how wonderful this relationship is, and how you can grow lovelier through my loving guidance. I will be your friend now and always, and once you learn this lesson, I will bless you more abundantly.

The End

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